Wash it Down with Cockta | Edmunds.com Yugo Road Trip
While buying our Balkan-built 1989 Yugo GVL in Boise, Idaho, we miraculously locate a nearby store called Bosnia Express that sells Balkan drinks and snacks.
While buying our Balkan-built 1989 Yugo GVL in Boise, Idaho, we miraculously locate a nearby store called Bosnia Express that sells Balkan drinks and snacks.
Car Commercial, Yugo France.
Yugo 55 Modified + Full video... Pogledajte klip do kraja,ima dosta zanimljivih slika :)... Nadam se da ce vam se dopasti :)... Ostavite svoj komentar :)...
Episode of old Top Gear 1989. Testing renault models 21 and 19, mazda 323 and some american muscle cars No copyright intended, for educational use only.